Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stupid Drivers

Ok so Im driving in my car to the store. The parking lot was so busy it took me about 10 minutes until i see a guy getting in his car. I pull up behind him about 50 feet away. I have my blinker on and i patiently wait. In the corner of my eye i see a white car pull around the corner. I glare at him as I read his mind. "Dont you dare take my spot," i quietly say to myself. Just as the car pulls out the man in the white care looks at me with a grin and cuts me off and STEALS MY SPOT!!!! I did the most horrible thing a mother could do. i roll my window down and say a few words my children should never hear their mom say. Yeah I said some bad words. That man looked at me and laughed. HE LAUGHED!

Yeah let me see that guy again. (especially without my kids in the car)!

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