Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stupid Drivers

Ok so Im driving in my car to the store. The parking lot was so busy it took me about 10 minutes until i see a guy getting in his car. I pull up behind him about 50 feet away. I have my blinker on and i patiently wait. In the corner of my eye i see a white car pull around the corner. I glare at him as I read his mind. "Dont you dare take my spot," i quietly say to myself. Just as the car pulls out the man in the white care looks at me with a grin and cuts me off and STEALS MY SPOT!!!! I did the most horrible thing a mother could do. i roll my window down and say a few words my children should never hear their mom say. Yeah I said some bad words. That man looked at me and laughed. HE LAUGHED!

Yeah let me see that guy again. (especially without my kids in the car)!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Well where do I start. Im a little new at this blogging but I thought what the heck I might as well give it a shot. Heres a little about my family.

My oldest, Ms. Drama Queen is 7 going on 20. She's 100% girl and yet can keep up with the boys.

My son, The Bandit is 5. He acts tough and yet hes a big teddy bear.

Little B is 9 months old. He is the sweetest baby, calm and happy. Little B can make you smile when you need it the most.

My life is like a roller coaster. Some days im going steady and others im shooting so high in the air i dont know if i want throw up or scream with my arms up. Whichever it may be, I know i have people who depend on me.

I may not always smell like i just jumped out of the shower, I may have puke on my shoulder. My hair may be a mess or my makeup isnt done. The laundry isnt always finished or put away, there may be a few dishes in the sink. The bathrooms need scrubbing, the floors need vaccuming. The beds need to be made. The kids need a ride to sports or tutoring. But at the end of the day I have a family who never complains. Im just a mom.

Im someones tissue
Im someones maid,
Im someones chaperone.
do you ever hear me complain?
Thats because Im a mom.